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The Rapist! (Article)

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The Rapist! (Article) Empty The Rapist! (Article)

Post  Admin Tue Oct 24, 2017 11:55 pm

By Stanley Collymore

You boastfully claim that you not only love sex and accordingly in the bargain of doing so as the unquestionably skilled connoisseur that you openly state that you are in expertly recognizing and when disposed to always satisfactorily addressing the sexual needs of those who’ve been rather fortunate to have themselves skilfully serviced by you, you further say in the most egotistical way that you can “modestly” Manage to do that this state of affairs fully explains, or self-evidently should do, why it is that you’re not only evidently and immensely empathetic towards sex but similarly thoroughly addicted to it.

And consequently and quite understandably, as you additionally explain in your somewhat perverse and insane manner, accounts for why you must regularly have sex regardless of whether those persons whom you’ve specifically chosen for your routine episodes of sexual exploitation and glorification end up either meekly or even willingly eager and excitedly complying with your carnal demands of them as choice-less pawns in the matter, and then rather manipulatively persuaded in the interim by you that what they’re carnally doing isn’t only normal procedure but furthermore is correspondingly for them a profoundly innate and compelling desire that is both intuitively and earnestly coming from within them.

So accordingly driven by such irresistible craving and indomitable circumstances then, the only practicable, sensible and logical response expected from them is not to gratuitously resist this alluring and discernibly inevitable outcome but instead to firmly and welcomingly readily, spiritedly and gratefully both go along with and completely embrace this arbitrary scenario which you always put to your star-crossed and helpless victims and anticipatorily expect to superciliously from your obviously assumed position of total power and influence over them, get away with whatever it is that you’re currently doing.

An absolute and uncompromising hubris on your part that countenances no understanding whatsoever of the verbally expressed, emotionally demonstrated or the intrinsically linked with both of these and consequently the highly unfavourable opinions regarding what you, as these victims undoubted rapist, are coercively and unconscionably doing to them. Incidences that quite evidently don’t matter in the least to you, or would they even when one factors into the other sexual abuses’ equation what you’re equally fond of committing when embarking on your customary unlawful and demonstrably sexually abusive behaviour.

For in your rather twisted, utterly sickening and entirely narcissistic calculation of this wholly untenable and utterly demeaning situation that you’re always so keen on imposing, and where rampant opportunism coupled supportively with the calculated supposition of your intensely believed in and just as adamantly practised deviant sexual operations are, in essence, as much an integral part of your own sexual exploitations as the customarily prescribed, meticulously devised, established planning and the subsequent utilization of these numerous things that in turn, and commensurate with several other specified and sexual forms of human violation, do expressly as a direct consequence of all this undeniably, unforgettably and quite unforgivably in such circumstances, distinctly set you apart from all normal human beings to suffer forever as what you are  and will always be, a highly unsavoury and a most detestable rapist!

To start with, and in the process making it abundantly and unequivocally clear, this is no jumping onto any current or other bandwagon on my part regarding the issues of rape, sexual abuse and violence, which I’ve written about in this article and the attendant poem also entitled The Rapist.

And it has nothing at all to do with either insensitivity or the lack of a caring and empathetic attitude by me. Rather the contrary I would say. And to be perfectly honest with you my reason for purposefully taking this stance that jumping on bandwagons, and what’s more gratuitously so, is totally alien to my character and something that I am adamantly, totally unapologetically and antipathetic towards.

For I utterly detest self-righteous, self-serving, bogus sanctimoniously and contrived grief and abhorrence prats of both genders, regardless of who they are, what they do for a living or have no such thing, or what power and influence they have over others, a situation that I never submit to and especially if it’s a coercive or manipulative one.

So I’ll be blunt! I consider rape and sexual abuse to be wrong and this irrespective and in line with whoever the perpetrators or the victims are.

Yes, it’s a state of affairs that community-wise as well as globally has been around for millennia, but even so as mankind supposedly becomes better well-informed and more “civilized” and with the evils of rape and sexual abuse increasingly recognized and accepted as such it can only be hoped that these acts will be determinedly challenged, prosecuted - regardless of the social position of the perpetrators – and the REAL, as apart from the self-advertising and self-serving victims, more fully empathized with, given all the help they need and appropriately compensated.


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Join date : 2012-11-03

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